Have you ever noticed?
that the forest speaks to you
it screams and pleads for help
but there is nothing we can do

Have you ever noticed?
how the animals do prey
they kill and they leave plenty
to eat another day

Have you ever noticed?
that humans take too much
they fill their homes and fridges
and leave nothing for the rest

Have you ever noticed?
that nature’s always changing
we cut down all its trees
and we force it to adapt

Have you ever noticed?
that humans have no care
they build up all their factories
and then they do not share

Have you ever noticed?
that our slaughterhouses are full
it’s because we eat all life
till it’s at its standstill

Have you noticed?
that nature’s beautiful
we need to help protect it
before it’s gone for good
it means closing down our
factories, and shutting down our mines
that means pick up all our rubbish
and put it away in time.