The Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat 

Is critically endangered in Queensland,

I wish they weren't endangered because

They would be a part of my dreamland.


They're part of the Top 10 Endangered Mammal list,

I suppose we can be thankful that at least they still exist.

They are even more rare than a giant panda,

I wish someone nice would bring me one, maybe Santa?


The Hairy Nosed Wombat feeds on native grasses, 

Invasive grass species are taking over, unwanted trespassers.

Their teeth continue to grow throughout their life,

They don't deserve to go through this endangered strife.


They are losing their lives through deforestation,

From our information we know there is a decreasing population.

Please take saving them into strong consideration,

Creation of websites share important explanations.

We can help save our Hairy Nosed Wombat friends,

Before it's too late and their existence ends.