The Oceans Ache
By Elliot B
Published 24 August 2023
An innocent polar bear catching the sun's spears of light,
living a peaceful life on the ice.
The cloudless, blue sky makes it seem like a dream.
But the light is cracking the polar bear's ice.
Luscious green chains of crayweed dancing in the deep,
swaying to the ocean's rhythm,
answering Poseidon's happy calls.
Partying cluelessly in toxic water.
Dugongs spiraling through the thriving seagrass,
chomping away, enjoying a delectable dinner,
one that would satisfy any stomach.
But it might be one of the dugongs' last meals.
The ocean will soon die in peril.
The plants and animals.
But there is hope, we can do something.
It doesn’t hurt to help, so help stop the hurt.