I found a door as big as a house.
The door's handle looks like a tyre pumped up too much.
Colourful patterns and swirls on the door.
And the wonky door was levelled halfway to the ground.

I was ant sized.
I climbed up the door.
Things started getting weirder and weirder.
The cats were eating vegetables and the fish had jetpacks.

A pair of invisible hands swung open the door.
I fell in like a featherless bird that had plunged to it's doom.

As I plunged down I saw wonderful things.
I saw a giant cloud of swirling, gushing, colourful fairy floss.
After licking my lips I saw a purple and orange tennis racket.
And a pound of green and purple monster meat.

As I hit the ground, I blacked out.
No-one to help me.
No-one to pick me up and carry me to my sweet bed and wake me up.
But I'm down here, inside a door of world and wonder.
A room of nothing and I'm down here forever.