the soft breeze blowing pollen around the air
the Eucalyptus trees swaying gently with the wind
you hear the sound of birds humming as if it were an orchestra
wattle tree as bright as the yellow sun in the afternoon
the rich smell of warmth in the air
that's how you know, it's spring
naked trees becoming packed with colourful blossoms
the sound of frogs in the early night
all the rich colours and smells
the feeling of peace, like a meditative state
no feeling of discomfort from the cold
that's how you know, it's spring
sitting by the fire pit in late afternoon
seeing the plums, as juicy as ever
you go to the tree and pick one to eat
sitting in the sun eating an assortment of fruit
it brings me happiness and tranquility
as you walk past a bush and see honey bees,
vibrant colours of flowers of all sorts
and beautiful parrots parading around
that's how you know, it's spring