The Predator
By Ruth E
Published 21 September 2024
No stars above the street below,
The streetlight casts an eerie glow.
The moon has just begun to creep
Above the roof wherein I sleep.
Along the fence I venture out,
My beady eyes dart all about,
Alert to danger lurking near.
What's that? A twig snaps, sparking fear.
Below, a sleek, black death machine
Is tracking me with eyes so mean.
Its legs draw back, its muscles tight
But just before it can alight –
A door bursts open, beaming light
Exposing me, defying night.
A woman stands there, calling out.
She taps a tin and looks about,
And then she calls her kitty in,
Scratching it beneath its chin.
She takes it in and rescues me,
I'm safe in its captivity.