The place we once knew and loved,  now fallen beneath the anger of the world

The place we once knew and loved,  now an unknown land of ash and grief




                                                                  The place we once knew and loved


                               The plants, shrivelled, charred and deceased

                                   The animals, injured, helpless, departed

                                Time passes by, a seemingly long darkness

                                               In a cycle, all over again 

                                                    At first, just a drop

                                                    And then another

                  The sky darkens and calmly pours rain over the ashen landscape

                         Dried up rivers and small lakes fill with water once more 

                       Days go on with no less rain, the wind howling along with it

                              The ground softens, animals crawl out of burrows

                              The tears of the sky, healing the land once more

                                  The land we once knew and loved, restored

                                      The land we once knew and loved