My feet grip onto the wet, moist soil as I wander down the trail.

Its grace lies as far as my eye can see, bluer than any ocean, calmer than glass.

I sink my feet into the water as I emerge into its glamour.


Bewildered by the beauty that lives underneath, I follow its fast-moving current.

My feet tingle as fish swims past.

I find myself sitting on a rock still emerged in the water, embracing the warmth of the sunlight.

A refreshing, gentle breeze brushes through my hair, pushing it behind me.


I hear birds chirping in the trees that stand tall and wide.

I rub my back against the rough bark and ferns descending into the hollow tree.

I feel soft leaves brush through my fingertips as I gently close my eyes.

“Save my beauty,” the tree whispers into my ears, as my thoughts take me away.