I see them
sitting all alone.
Then I do it;
I put them in and I’m ready.

I feel the magic,
it flows through me
like an ocean of happiness.
It doesn't matter where I am,
I am home.

All is okay;
the swirling and moving with the music
as it flies through a pair of ugly buds
and whooshes into my system.
Happiness has entered through my ears.

The freedom to decide
better than those before me.
Angry, happy sad,
it doesn't matter.

The sound of water colours,
they flow and swirl in waves of freedom.
The colours are bright;
sophisticated, yet simple.

The sound from those small buds compels me:
Do better, Be better.
It will not judge me, it is my space,
I am who I am.

They say the inside matters most,
but why do we change the outside?
New everything,
but not this.
The same outside,
the inside a world of wonders,
full with imagination