The Splash with Panache
By Andy P
Published 20 September 2013
The drive may take a while
But once I’m launched I've got a smile.
As soon as I reach the uncharted areas
The glassed off waters is where I paddle.
Suddenly trevally boils,
I flick out line and watch it coil.
The popper's splash makes a bubble
Teasing the fish into immense trouble.
The zzzzz as my reel spoils
I tighten the drag and the fish has to toil.
Suddenly, a flicker of silver,
As my excitement soars.
I grab the net faster than a marlin swims
And it's back in the water in a flash.
I slowly swim the fish
To rejuvenate its life.
Then spear it back into the water
Watching it swim back to the depths.
There for another day to live,
To breed,
To die.