I paused as I reached the summit,

The view was astounding, breathtakingly beautiful.


Mountaintops and plains, rock boulders and tree-covered hills,

Miles and miles of nothing but high country.


Far above currawongs flew, 

Over this wild rugged country.


Soaking in the raw beauty of this place,

I let my eyes roam to the plains that graced this mountain.


They were covered in wildflowers,

Paper Daisies, Blue Pincushions and Chocolate Lillies, to name a few.


A Robin flew past, his red chest gleaming,

A sign that Spring was here at last,


I carried on, the chilly Spring evening making me shiver,

Just before I reached the tree line I paused.


I sat watching the sun go down,

Leaving only the pink and red streaks that told of the day that had gone.