The Tree
By Maximilian P
Published 27 August 2024
Trunk as thick as a bus
Always growing taller and taller towering over the rest
Growing old with lots of mould folding under and over
Sturdy branches each filled with bright green leaves dancing in the breeze
Strong storms rolling in waving, whirling wind
Snapping limbs as frail as can be crashing to the bottom so crazily
Creatures taking shelter under my dry canopy
Strong roots holding tight going miles under the earth
Anchoring itself, in time and place, for many years to trace
Back to a time when First Nations people lived and roamed in peace at this very place
When wood and bark gave fire and animals food
This tree has provided plenty for many a century
I see this tree with new eyes and a refreshed mind
It has shaped the past, present and future for mankind
Our survival depends on it as First Nations people have always known
A shared understanding and respect for this tree and the land where it stands.