The Voice Of The Brumby
By Amelia C
Published 1 September 2021
Decades and decades ago, brumbies roamed the Snowy fields, seen as pests.
Chased and shot. Chased and shot. Chased and shot.
Across the cold, snowy mountain, they bolt.
The endless fight for freedom.
Yes, brumbies demolished, trample the dry vegetation.
Their hooves dig deep, destroying the Earth.
Eradicating animal habitats, drying out streams
Brumbies cause climate change.
Impose laws to support the shooting? Eradicate the brumbies?
Keep them wild I say! Keep them just the way they are
Brumbies are animals that deserve a chance, deserve their freedom. Not as criminals.
Keep them safer on a Reserve land.
Protect the brumby, reduce the climate damage
End shooting, now!
Invite the ones to share the beauty of the brumby
within the legal land.
Preserve the Snowies.