It takes me back
The days the winds breath got taken away
The rough blue ocean
Turned glassy smooth
The four metre swell faded to one
The day when I first saw it.

The army green suit hid the free diver
Camouflaged among the rugged reef
The rubber kept him warm
While I was shivering on the seemingly ice cold surface
The energy-absorbing material got him closer to the Tiger Sharks
Along with six crays, more than my only two

I now have my own
Every time I see it
It reminds me of home, Dirk Hartog Island
The national park surrounded by world heritage waters
It inspires me to be like the people I look up to
When I wear it, it protects me from sharp rocks, fish, weed
The scent of neoprene along with warm salty sea
My blue wetsuit.