The golden haze from the winter sun glistens through the leaves

“Hope,” it’s almost as if she's is speaking to me

Mother Nature at her finest

The marshy ground softens my footsteps

My mind is finally at rest

“Dream big,” she says, as her voice flows through the wet marshland around me

The bush shrubs begin their journey to find what they are looking for: fungi

It covers the floor of the forest

“Breathe,” she says to me

“And let go.”

I feel myself drifting further away from the outside world

My worries are left behind as the gentle shower of rain dampens my hair

The call of the kookaburra is the only thing that my ears interpret

A snake begins to wake as the humidity wraps it in its warmth

A mouse runs across the ground, swiftly

The snakes strike, leaving the mouse motionless


Mother nature is everywhere now

“Your future,” I listen intently, “is in your hands."

The snake has finished its meal, the kookaburra has stopped its call

She is not drifting away

“We can’t control the wind,”

Everything has silenced

“But we can adjust our sails.”