I was running down the paddock, a fox was chasing me. 
I came upon the roadside, my worst of enemy. 
I had already crossed it once this eve, very carefully,
But now I was not free, the beastly fox behind was wanting me for tea. 
The traffic was busier than before, much to my dismay.
Very different than it ever had been on any other day.
I had to cross the hectic road, at last, there was a gap,
I sped out but wait "Oh, no! Did I check the other side?"
The answer hit me instantly, as I rolled and crashed,
The driver jumped out frantically, running towards me.
She rang the wildlife sanctuary asking for their help,
They came quickly to pick me up, wanting to care for me. 
"A critically endangered animal, a hairy-nosed wombat",
The man exclaimed this sadly, it was definitely a fact. 
"He is a real gem," he explained, "I'll get him back on track."
"We need more of em round, he'll help build numbers up."
It was the last time I ever crossed a road, I live now at the sanctuary,
Living life comfortably, no predators and no traffic.