Feeble gums, once strong and powerful, are collapsing to the earth below.

This is a sitch we have all seen happen.

So why? So why does nobody care?


Koalas are crawling out of sight. Their numbers rapidly dwindling down, down, down.

Native species they once were, soon myths, folktales, legends.


The infamous paradise parrot, gone the way of the dinosaurs.

One down, at least 550 more to go. 

248 of these birds found nowhere else. 


This is their home.

And here we are, damaging, demolishing and destroying their land.


So why? So why does nobody care?

When all this is happening right before their eyes. 

They can see this affair occuring in their own environment, their habitat. 


The well-known Thylacine, wiped out.

A single mammal, the effect like dominoes.


This is their home.

And here we are, wrecking, ruining and razing their habitat.


So, could someone please tell me,

Why? Why does nobody care?