Does he see me?
This child of mine, he holds me close,
clutching close
he carries me around.
I swing, back and forth,
I see
I watch
Does he see me?
I hear him cry when he has a bad dream.
I watch him mess up his room and clean it up
and again
and again…
I watch him play and he lets me join in.
Not so much anymore.
Mostly now I just sit
Ted on the bed.
He gave me a vest to wear,
to keep me ‘together’ – so I don’t tear.
I’m a bit worn out you see.
Twelve years
twelve together, Ted and Tom –
Tom and Ted
But I’m tied to this bed.
He doesn’t take me places as much anymore.
Does he see me?
My eyes are scratched and a bit crooked
But I see him.
I see him every day and I wait
Wait for him to see me.
