Time although endless
Ours limited
Time although slow
Feels fast
Time although infinite
With what little time we have
We do what our hearts say
We listen to the beats
A compass of sounds
Guiding us through what time we have
Time brings us irreplaceable moments
And some we wish to forget
And some we dread
The final second
Of the final minute
Of the final hour
We fear
But those who live
Those who live
Never fear this time
For to them that moment is far in the future
Even when minutes away
These people don't fear the inevitable
But embrace it
Time is kind to us
And in turn we do as it asks
We age
We grow
We live
An unforgettable life
My time is coming
I've told my stories
To me my time is up
But time, itself has other plans
Perhaps I'm not done
Perhaps time says I have more to give
But it cannot be much more
I will see you there too
Where time puts us after it's done
Hopefully I will live on
Through words
So one day many more shall meet me
Know me
Understand me
I’ll live on
Through Time