It dangles it swings from side to side,
it's special and delicate
no one has it worldwide.
The tight rope grips on my skin,
it's three centimetres thin.
It's a puzzle piece of my childhood,
it will always be with me ‘til womanhood.
It comes from my country,
my sweet precious jewellery,
it stays in a rustic box every night, usually.
The pitch black raven lanu*
the surface of the heart,
it's a beautiful work of an anonymous person's art.
It's rightful place is around my kia*
just like a bumble bee with his huhu’a*.
Engraved on the heart is a dainty image,
of my small exquisite village.

I lost it.
Sadly my soul is slowly crushed,
I'll try to find it with a vave* rush.
It's my one of a kind treasury,
my father bequeathed it to me,
ohh sweet memories.

Glossary:(from my native tongue)
Lanu - Colour
Kia - Neck
Huhu’a - Honey
Vave - Quickly