They ran along

As we, the towering trees looked at them, as they ran

Rushing through the woods.

They brought a ball to play catch.

I wanted to play catch but trees can not move.

Trees just tower.

As that is what trees do.

We tower until we die, drifting off like dirt.


So I stood  in the whipping wind

When the “SNAP,” of a twig took everyone's silence.

They looked around, they laughed nervously.

Then a wolf came out its mouth looked as wide as the ocean.

They ran

They could not run anywhere because we,

The tall towering trees, could not move.


So we stood like a barricade,we couldn’t give any aid.

We couldn’t just stand there, we had to help.

The wolf caught one's leg and made him yelp.

The boy kicked the wolf in the face with the strength of a mace.


By then I was so angry I ripped up my roots with a “SNAP.”

I went over to the wolf and kicked it in the snout.

It ran away and about like a bunny bouncing back.

More importantly, I could finally walk.

We paraded and played ball.

I finally got to do something other than stand tall.