Trees are Nature
By Madison D
Published 17 September 2021
Green silky leaves swinging in the wind, gumnuts falling on the brown oily dirt.
Its branches swinging side to side in the wind, bumpy bark like a thick black road.
People sitting by the tree laughing, eating lunch.
I come by every afternoon with a cup full of water.
Making sure it doesn’t get sick,
giving it the care that it needs.
Sitting next to it, thinking about questions,
I would get answers instantly, it’s like the tree is sending me answers, helping me.
Sitting there it knows I’m here trying to communicate to me.
Sometimes the wind would say something, I believe the majestic tree is moulding its branches into words talking to me.
I put my ear against the thick trunk listening to the soothing sounds!
I love this tree it’s just right for me!