Those sweet, innocent animals,
they haven’t done anything wrong!
Yet, you destroy their luscious habitat
while singing a cheerful song?
How horrendous, how vile!
still, you do smile?
Retaliate they would,
reduce destruction, we should.

Loss of green spaces,
leaving no cultural traces.
You say you’re only toying
while you’re heartlessly destroying!
Unless you want to say “goodbye”,
you must use your effort and try.
By re-planting this beautiful flora,
you shall finally amend your broken aura.

What of a puny little tree?
What of being happy and free?
While others fuss over things like teeth,
many won’t be able to breathe.
Lungs of the Earth, big and small,
produce fresh air, to help and grow all.
Thus, we must minimise deforestation,
if we wish to prevent dreaded suffocation.

We’ve all been failing to preserve them
so, what to do with the rest of our waste?
If we truly wish to end this problem,
all must take action, and post-haste.
We have enough skyscrapers,
let’s recycle our precious papers!
We were always supposed to recycle!
After all, it is life’s cycle.