Trees! Trees! Trees!

I may be tall and old but it's not at all

Cracking the winds and tearing from the cyclones

I’m your hotel and if you’re movin’ in

I like the companions big and small I don’t even care at all

OK let’s go to the benefits ‘cause what I do is best

Drinking is important all livin’ things gotta drink

I soak up the rainfall so the the land won’t fall

I’m the only oxygen supply and natures beholder

Cities tear me down to make rock trees

Well us trees stay there for life, so we can’t flee!

If this keeps on happening to us

The human population will overflow the scale

Trees will just die and you will too

So the world will be empty

It would be the start of time except

That was the past

Now is the future

So if you don’t want this to happen you should listen to us

So go do those awesome stuff! But first don’t go anywhere cause we’re not finished

Agree with the deal so we both don’t die. I need you and you need me I make the oxygen and you make me

Listen up close

Todays the day is when you become a hero

We both are the same but not as you see it

We both breathe we both drink

And so much more

We both depend on each other

That word is Symbiosis