For I come home, chained up, sad and alone.
Hearing a call high above me.
So, I lie under the grey box tree,
and it sets my chains free.
Taking me to the highest leaf.
Its bark crippled like the ironbark trees.
Bumpy like the challenges in life for me,
Taking me down like chains on my feet,
But the tree frees me, I fly further than I could reach,
Now I feel one with this tree.

Withering storms, hanging on for the taste of sunlight to feast,
For I am now the strongest leaf,
My green now shines, the brightest green you can see.
Kookaburras laugh, little birds’ bath, some lying on a small raft,
In little ponds that surround me, for nature is around me.
For my leaf grows taller, taller than any other tree,
Now I fly off into the early morning breeze.
Alone, peaceful, happy.