I cross the road into the south where the wind on my skin starts fresh in every moment

stepping on sticks I walk southeast starting to see the ridge of my childhood, I move and feel and feel and move

I cross the road again and look to the east seeing the small shapes of the city on the blue horizon over the plains, visions of a kind world move into my shoulders like ghost bees and begin to make comb.

I climb a mossy bank knowing the teeny yellow mushrooms that fruit here and how they are always here. Green soft underfoot I can see the way the mountains lay all around as I walk northeast knowing the beauty and pleasure of wildflowers in spring and that this how things get done

More roads to cross and the north holds footbridges and highways and water towers and me being seen just as I am. Full potential is truthfulness.

I turn the corner northwest, the way everything starts to fall away

Leaving only what’s important like the spell of kindness in both my shoulders dripping honey in my heart as I walk west

facing southwest over sticky seeds I breathe the impermanence of this day and every day giving thanks for this time together knowing we are all

going home