The whistle blows like a cannon, giving the signal for the game to start.
A war between warriors with feet as weapons and victory in their sight.
As coaches watch to see who will get it in the net
Parents sit back and smile...
The game will be on for a while.
We compete against all kinds of teams
Whoever scores, there are shouts and screams.
It's my favourite sport,
Every week it is different and spectators are bound to see it all
That's why every year I choose to play football.
However, there is one spectator who never misses a game
He is always there.
He sits in a camping chair, waiting for the half time whistle
Or the game's dismissal. I come off the pitch panting and puffing
I see him waiting for me, waiting to refresh my throttle
Gotta love having a water bottle.
It shines in the sun, a vibrant gold even though it is very old,
I've had it since I started playing football
I got it at the mall and it became my lucky charm after all.
When I get home, I fill it up.
So it's ready for Dad and next Sunday's match up.