What if I told you that the sun once rose over the blue-tinted horizon and fell on tigers.

Tasmanian tigers that frolicked and played in the ancient sprawling forest. 

The dappled sunlight danced across their fur in swirls and stripes and shadows.

Tiptoeing, slinking, lurking. 

Running, hiding, scared. 

Once the young ones played in the damp leaves.

No worries, no fear.

The mother’s steamy breath cloudy against the crisp morning air. 

Her ears pricked.

She's always listening, always watching, never at ease, never safe.

Her pups still play and frolic and explore the wonders of life. 

Forever innocent and carefree.

But what if I told you that one day the sun rose over the blue-tinted horizon and fell on an empty forest. 

No happy cries echo through the ancient trees. 

No stripes slink through the shadows. 

What if I told you the night before the men had come with their guns and their hounds.

And what if I told you the last one was gone. 

That all hope is lost. 

That the sun will rise over the blue tinted horizon and fall on a small, empty den, 

That will forever remain silent.