when i was younger, i would go across the mighty plains,
as i planted our entire future
but as i turned around i started getting pains,
because i saw an injured baby possum, too high up to nurture.

i felt helpless. What was i meant to do?
if i left I'd feel like i was betraying that helpless possum.
but then a big man came across with horrifying equipment and said "go on little girl, shoo!"
almost shivering with tears i pushed the man away and started to climb.

i ran for what felt like weeks, not sure how to take care of the little creature,
until i was coughing up blood.
but suddenly there was a flood.

i swam calling for help, but none came within a mile
as i thought i was taking my last breaths i held up the possum,
thinking i would go out with style
until i met my best friend in the whole world, blossom.

after a few weeks, i released the possum from his cage,
he had this funny look on his face.
shocked, scared, but mainly, lonely.
and in memorial of how his gorgeous mother passed away, we named the little possum sage.