Where did it all go?
By Taylah F
Published 4 August 2022
A hot stale wind blows over a dusty plain,
A once luscious forest now barren and afraid.
The only sound on earth is the patter of the rain,
Global warming is a time bomb, a temperamental grenade.
Where did all the animals disappear to?
Where are all the tall, tall trees?
Where are all the flowers pink and blue?
The sound of humming bees?
Where are all the tweeting birds? Where are all the sounds?
Where are all the little ants scurrying on the ground?
Where are all the polar bears? Where are all the streams?
Where are all the beautiful views I saw in my dreams?
Where is all the luscious fruit? The meat and veggies too?
Where are all the swimming fish? The panda’s with Bamboo?
Where are all the beautiful flowers? Daisies, cornflowers too.
I can’t believe we lost them all by 2092.
Where are all the people I might hear you wonder?
Where are they to save the day from all this horrible thunder?
Where are all the people? That’s quite hard to say.
They destroyed their home and earth and everything withered away.
Where did it all go?