Working with Wire
By Year 4/5 W
Published 18 September 2015
Working with wire in a linear way, we created our sculptures to show a flowing interpretation of movement and shape to represent our talismanic objects.
We created our works by considering how we could transfer the perception of our talismanic object to wire: we were not merely replicating its appearance, but more intuitively thinking of what impression it has made on us and how we could share that visual representation that words may not.
The objects and poems blend harmoniously within a structured box formation. Our poetry is ever-present, written in white on a black background, encased in a white box. The viewer of the talismanic object may hold the piece and simultaneously delve into the words, discovering the author’s construal.
We hope you enjoy our words and interpretive wire creations in our installation.
This poem was awarded First Place (Installation) for Poetry Object 2015
Judge's Notes:
"Working with Wire stands out for me because I can imagine how the experience of working with wire might inform the poets’ experience of working on a poem: bringing together words and objects, facts and representations, the look of things but also the feel of things. The linear wire itself can itself serve as an image of how syntax can work in poetry, turned and worked together to make something new. The decision to write the words of the poem in white on a black background draws out this comparison between working with wire and working with language. The process of making these sculptures also serves as an image of the process of writing: working and reworking forms in a way at once free and careful. The wire sculptures are shapes that contain air; they are things that can be passed from hand to hand. They are beautiful considered and tangible companions to the poems, and images of them."
~Lisa Gorton, Poetry Object Judge 2015