Fancied in evergreens up to their crowns of silver-white,
the mountains stand tall, together and tight.
Their peaks, a celebration of grey to blue-slate,
fading to the horizon, at a very slow rate. 
As the sun rises up, over the east,
a ribbon of white runs in between,
sending glimmers of the sun's rays,
dappling the mountains in many ways.
Deep in, where trees, tall and proud grow,
nestles a ball of grey fur. 
From its nap, the koala awakens, lifting a paw, saying,
Hello, hello.
The day awakens, full and bright, 
Hello, hello, it replies.
The leaves rustle and dance, 
their secrets yet to be revealed,
yet deep inside, the koala knows,
Strong, and brave she may be, but needs to face what's next.
Night falls, a cascade of stars, the moon keeping its secrets,
Yet, the koala, gentle and brave, deep inside, already, knows.