Carrot Flowers for Bertha
By Alex Creece—onyx velvet—
—dash— —dreaming of—
—paradox— —porosity—
—creatures— —missing so much—so much— -
Lightning Crashes
By Shele Parker BlackWhenever I long to call home
I beach comb for a telephone.
Crabs recoil and take cover
wet sand shifts, shadows pass. -
By Barry James GilsonGariguda walks and calls your name ,
In the sand as whispering whirlpools ,
And dances down the dying light ,
In a time where you could be human or animal, -
Owlet Nightjar
By Allis HamiltonHe watches. Mostly he is still.
Only his eyes shift.
His steadiness is astonishing.
A New Year
By James WaltonThere you are
in a barrage of dry lightning
this disdain of fireworks
makes crackling of our skin -
The Warrnambool Week
By Nathanael O’ReillyThere was plenty of action at last weekend’s Warrnambool Rodeo.
All your turkey, beef, chicken and lamb needs. Order early to be prepared.
Five-day weather forecast possible morning showers, partly cloudy, sunny
tide times. We really do live in such a wonderful and caring community. -
Gnatanwarr Gunditjmara Mirring
By Isabella Eichler-OnusI Welcome You //
sweet eucalyptus karrang and salty breeze
swampy pastures and sandy shores -
Far Flung Seeds
By Indrani PereraWe bump along the dirt road, dust bathing rubber
with a prickle of pebbles. The back of my bare legs
stick to the vinyl seats of the green Ford Zephyr
Swimming Poem
By Ross Gillettthe poem isn’t sure
about its body
maybe its left arm is imaginary -
At the back side of a dead shed
By Sam Morleyall I see around here now
in the half dark pink glint
are bowed flat beds and diesel
drums sunken in dry earth. -
Edge Of The Ceramic-Rimmed-Potted Earth
By Natalia Figueroa Barrosoyour hardcover copy of Love in the Time of Cholera
rests on my nightstand like your bones
rest in peace wrapped in the soil of our homeland
By Kathryn ReeseDad sits, crushed panadol and formula milk gravity fed into his belly.
On tv: sourdough, a sear of steak, a dressing of diced peach, torn mint, fresh red chilli—
He dozes, won’t turn it off.
Between Cigarettes and Silence
By Bradley BradleyMy mother died of a cigarette in one hand
my voice in the other
to a detached handle
a closed door -
By K.J. Hayward, Aamani Kandafit in, fit in, fit in
why can't i fit into these clothes?
my flab, it sticks out like a sore thumb
as i try another pose -
Whale Medicine
By Kaitlen WellingtonBurri burri yanggum, burri burri gali, burri burri miru
I always was, I always am, I always will be
Close your eyes and listen
yindi ngaa goori, yindi ngara mubera -
Whale Song
By Barbara NicholsonMuch have I known of this sea-green world
from fathomable depths of deepest emerald
to the break beyond the limey shallows
where silvery beams from a waxing moon -
The language of hope
By Hodan Yasin, Saba Vasefitranslated by Saba Vasefi
I close my eyes,
Releasing countless butterflies— -
By Pooja Mittal Biswaseach mind hides a thousand minds, a bee’s hive, whirring wings of thought. that’s where the voices come from. other people can’t hear them, you see, their other voices—they don’t know that they have so many minds, so many multifarious minds inside that single one. they divide themselves up. they eat the world like pie.
but they’re the blackbirds, … -
The Poem Where She Absconds From The Psych Ward
By Arlea Whelansandals weep across
gravel. the wind has an iron
flavour. seventeen & sold
to madness, wrapped -
Utopiate (after Keston Sutherland)
By Jonathan Dunksomewhere anyway or the
assonant void tumble-
wed with knowing
intimations of fissile