Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; tunapri paliti
kani ningimpi-tu nungampi-tu-nanya paywuta manta

I am the Old Knowledge; the sacred knowledge
told to your grandmothers and grandfathers since the beginning of time
~ Theresa Sainty from Ningimpi Nungamo Paywuta Manta

Celebrating, sharing and conserving knowledge of First Nations languages and culture through poetry in all its forms.

Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) was developed and launched at Red Room Poetry by Gunai poet Kirli Saunders in 2018. Now lead by Warrimay poet and musician Nicole Smede, PIFL commissions, publishes and delivers First Nations-led student poetry programs on Country and/or in First Nations community-led locations.

Celebrating culture through poetry, music, dance and art, PIFL aims to support students to find strength in their cultural identities through language learning and connecting to Country, Culture and Community with the intention of enhancing overall wellbeing and knowledge.

Honouring our Elders NAIDOC 2023

Celebrating the 2023 NAIDOC Theme ‘For our Elders’, Poetry in First Languages is honouring and highlighting Elders through new poem commissions and a new learning resource, created in collaboration with Erin's Learning Channel. This curriculum-aligned resource invites students and teachers to think, reflect and yarn about the importance of our Elders and what the NAIDOC theme means.

2023 NAIDOC For our Elders Program is now available.

Baraya Barray (Sing Country)

What can we learn from listening to our original language holders?

Baraya Barray means 'sing country' in gathang. In 2023, Poetry in First Languages will work with communities along the east coast to conceive a three year program connecting young First Nations people with Elders, Language Custodians, scientists, poets and musicians, through On Country immersive experiences, to learn about and respond to our original language holders - animals and Country.

Short video about Red Room's Poetry in First Languages 2024 program Baraya Barray (Sing Country) - Whale Song, filmed during a pilot workshop with young First Nations students, Elders and custodians on Dharawal Country, June 2023.

Directed by Luke Agius
Produced by Rami Fischler
Song composition by Nicole Smede
Poem and reading by Indiana Lane

Partners and Supporters