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Before the fire of money
burned my happiness.
~ Conor, 'The Autograph Book', Year 6

Red Room Poetry Object is a free national poetry-writing competition for students in Years 3-10

Created by The Red Room Company, the project invites young writers and their teachers to submit poems about objects that are special to them. In 2014 we are proud to announce ABC RN as our Principal Media Partner. 

Listen to the poems

2014 Poetry Object Winners

Congratulations to the 2554 students and their dedicated teachers who created and shared poems about their special talismanic objects. Over 130 schools across Australia and New Zealand participated in the 2014 competition, and the quality of poetry has been an inspiration to us all.   

Our 2014 judge, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, was overwhelmed by the wisdom, insight and maturity of the poetry and his task of choosing the winners was certainly a challenge! After months of anticipation, the winners and highly commended poets were announced at the launch of the Poetry Object exhibition at Liverpool City Library in November 2014. 

Discover the 2014 winners and Scott-Patrick's judging notes here
View the 2014 Poetry Object shortlist
Check out our image gallery to explore our 2014 Poetry Object workshops 

Red Room Poetry Object on ABC Radio National's Earshot

After a successful exhibition launch at the Liverpool City Library, the winning and highly recommended poems from Red Room Poetry Object 2014 have hit the airwaves! Click below to listen to the student and teacher poets read their winning poems. 

Poetry Object Publication

Red Room Poetry Object provides students with creative opportunities to compose and publish their own poetry for authentic audiences. All submitted poems are published on The Red Room Company’s website and all Highly Commended poems were recorded by RN for broadcast on-air and online via the RN website.  


An exhibition of commended poems were displayed at Liverpool Library in Western Sydney from November 2014 until February 2015.

Student recognition

Certificates of Achievement are awarded to all participants. Prizes are awarded by our Judge for Best Student Poem (Primary) Best Student Poem (Secondary), Best Teacher Poem and Best School Installation.