Just imagine. Red, the color of fire, anger, you can see red in a perfect sunset, you can smell red in a ripe rose and you can feel red in an innocent mushroom family, red gives you a sense of home.

Just imagine. Orange, you can taste orange in the juicy summer fruits, you can hear orange in the whispers of the wind, you can see orange in autumn leaves, orange gives you a sense of change.

Just imagine. Yellow, you can feel yellow in the soft sand

at the beach, you can smell yellow in the

fields of tulips, you can hear yellow in the

song of the sunshine, yellow gives you a 

sense of joy. Green, you can taste green in the leaves that nurture us, you can hear green in the song of the birds, you can feel green in the moss between your toes, green gives you a sense of connection.

Just imagine. Blue, you can see blue in the bright moon as it watches over us, you can smell blue in the salty sea, you can feel blue in the silk of a butterfly, blue gives you a sense of calmness.

Just imagine. Purple, you can hear purple in the calm humming of a bird's song, you can taste purple in amazing fairy mushrooms, you can see purple in gentle lavender, purple gives you a sense of love.

Just imagine. Pink, you can smell pink in the cherryblossom flower, you can feel pink in a summer sunrise, you can see pink in a beautiful bird's feather. Pink gives you a sense of amazement.

You don't have to look for these feelings, colours

are everywhere in nature, and they will guide

you, all you have to do is use your senses.