A mark. A beginning. A spark of hope.
A promise of greater things, greater places, greater beings, greater odds for happiness and for love.

A letter. A sound. A reminder that you’re not alone.
A chance to dream and to fulfil, to think and to create, to wonder and to discover at last.

A word. An individual being. The artwork of the mind.
Something original and unique with nothing else quite like it or quite able to have the same effect.

A sentence. A building block. So tiny but oh so strong.
Moulded into infinite different shapes, different beings, different ways, different opportunities.

A chapter. A chance. A key.
The ability to open a door, one of many doors, each holding brand new possibilities.

A story. A unique creation. An undecided destiny.
Emotions poured onto a page, ready to immerse the reader into an epic tale of truth and justice or of lies and poverty, ready to be nothing but itself; a rare instance of purity.

An escape. With open arms. With empathy.
Ready to accept the reader for who they are, ready to understand and to be there,
Even when nothing else is.