Njarrang Mirrirahjaang Wuriwuripa Boodjanglaali

Waaglpa Dharan.ba Mungaroolaalijaang

Yanggamarre Dharranjyangya Burraga



Yanggamul Barmapa Wajitwajitjaang

Burraga Krabreya 


Martha Minga Ngalnjyang 




Noaulya Kalliwangalmarre

Dharul Midthongwilliapa


Walimb Gulenbangh Ngurajaangya

Wadgamapa Gunyahjaang

Martha Gubbahmurrahjaang Dhunna 

Wadgamarreda Ngiagaangguli Murra Djurwayarr 

Amongst the sky sunshine and birds travel and go

through the clouds

singing we have to come together on the land  

we are proud 

let’s sing and stomp the sand

come together to dance 


Because Mother wants us all to look 


At the last rays of the afternoon sun

Enough disaster 

let’s stand and become one


Go back to the land

And build the humpy

Because the whitefulla track is

making my people grumpy