Michael Farrell
Michael Farrell grew up in Bombala, NSW and now lives in Melbourne. He has published several books of poetry as well as chapbooks, most recently I Love Poetry (Giramondo). His previous Giramondo title, Cocky's Joy (shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Award for Poetry in 2016), is his first book available on iTunes. He co-edited an anthology of Australian gay and lesbian poets, Out of the Box, with Jill Jones (Puncher & Wattmann 2009). His scholarly book, Writing Australian Unsettlement: Modes of Poetic Invention 1796-1945 (Palgrave Macmillan), theorises a new approach to the history of colonial poetics. He wrote the lyrics for the Dick Diver song 'Waste the Alphabet', and edits the small poetry magazine 'Flash Cove' (flashcovemag@gmail.com).