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Nga gannganyun wahlu
Ganngaleh wunga gawal?
And when you really listen
Is your listening deep?
~ Ellen van Neerven from 'Yugambeh and Proud'
Recognising the achievements of contemporary Australian poets
Each year, the Fellowship is awarded to a previously commissioned poet to recognise their achievements and foster their poetic and professional development.
Valued at $10,000, this opportunity encourages poets to undertake an intensive period of creative development involving a range of commissions, residency, recordings and publication outcomes. Previous recipients of the Red Room Poetry Fellowship include Michelle Cahill (2020), Jeanine Leane (2019), the late Candy Royalle (2018) and Ali Cobby Eckermann (2017).
Discover the Fellowship 2021
The 2021 Fellow receives
- $5000 poetic stipend “no strings”
- $1000 commission to create a suite of poems inspired by an existing Red Room Poetry project
- A two-week residency at Bundanon Trust with local workshops (Monday 12 July – Monday 25 July 2021)
- Travel assistance
- Opportunity to film or present a public address during the year-long Fellowship