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Before the fire of money
burned my happiness.
~ from 'The Autograph Book' by Conor, Year 6

Red Room Poetry Object is a free poetry-writing competition for students in Years 3-10

The project invites young writers and their teachers to submit poems inspired by objects that are special to them.

In 2015, over 160 school communities participated, creating and publishing 2,560 students and teacher poems.

Discover 2015 Winning and Highly Commended Poems

Learning resources

Teachers and students can draw inspiration from a wide range of educational resources.

Download Poetry Object Learning Resource 2015 >
Discover more resources >


Red Room Poetry Object provides students with creative opportunities to compose and publish their own poetry for authentic audiences. All submitted poems are published on The Red Room Company’s website.

Student recognition

Certificates of Achievement are awarded to all participants. Prizes are awarded for Best Student Poem (Primary), Best Student Poem (Secondary), Best Teacher Poem and Best School Installation.

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