Poetic Learning

sun bleeding through leaves
skeletons illuminated in midday light
trees reaching the tallest of heights 
~ Quinn, Year 10, Shortlisted for POEM FOREST 2022

Red Room Poetic Learning inspires students and teachers to create, perform and publish poetry in meaningful ways.

We enliven experiences with poetry through workshops and curriculum-aligned resources that awaken imaginations and support creative opportunities.

Our 2023 learning focus is the POEM FOREST nature poetry prize, planting a tree for every poem received.
Subscribe to our e-news for updates or get in touch via education@redroompoetry.org.

Current Learning Projects

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    POEM FOREST is a free nature writing prize that breathes life back into the natural world that sustains us. Entries now open!
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    Baraya Barray - Whale Song

    Baraya Barray ~ Whale Song brings celebrates saltwater songlines of the East Coast through On Country immersive experiences, to learn about and respond to our original language holders - the Whales.
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    For Our Elders NAIDOC Learning Resource

    Celebrating the 2023 NAIDOC Theme ‘For our Elders’, Poetry in First Languages is honouring and highlighting Elders through new poem commissions and a new curriculum-aligned learning resource


"Thank you for creating and sharing this enriching and authentic learning opportunity with us."

~ Michelle Shiels, Teacher, POEM FOREST 2022

"It was an exhilarating experience that led me and my students into the inspiring world of poetry, skilfully teaching us the craft of engaging poetry in a fun, educational way. It has provided a platform to share and celebrate the students' writing with the world outside our school. All their efforts were applauded by a wider audience. The teaching resources were engaging and linked well to the curriculum."

~ Teacher, Poetry Object 2020

“I wrote this poem on behalf of all trees that are carelessly logged for human needs. I am passionate about protecting and preserving our natural world and would write a thousand poems if a tree was planted each time!"

~ Emma, Year 6, POEM FOREST 2022