Toby Fitch
Toby Fitch is poetry editor of Overland, and a lecturer in creative writing at the University of Sydney, and organiser of the poetry night at Sappho Books in Glebe, Sydney. He is the author of eight books of poetry, including Where Only the Sky had Hung Before (Vagabond Press, 2019), Sydney Spleen (Giramondo Publishing, 2021), and, most recently, a newly expanded and full-colour edition of Object Permanence: Calligrammes (Puncher & Wattmann / Thorny Devil Press, December 2022). He co-edited Best of Australian Poetry 2021 with Ellen van Neerven, and edited the anthology Groundswell: The Overland Judith Wright Poetry Prize for New & Emerging Poets 2007–2020. Toby lives in Newtown on unceded Gadigal land with his partner, three kids, and a staffy.